LMT Users: add e-mail forward to ID@sms.lmt.lv, where ID is your LMT identifier. What is LMT identifier?
BiFri Users: add email forward to 3712XXXXXXX@bifri.lv where XXXXXXX is mobile number. Find more information at www.bifri.lv
BITE customers: add email forward to 3712XXXXXXX@biteplus.lv where XXXXXXX is mobile number. Find more information at www.biteplus.lv
TELE2 Users: add e-mail forward to 3712XXXXXXX@sms.tele2.lv, where XXXXXXX is mobile number.
Important note to Tele2 users:
You must register at Tele2 for receiveing SMS notifications. To register, send SMS with the word ON to the number 1612.
For TELE2 clients automatic sms notification service can stop working if user changed mobile phone (device), changed old sim card to new one, or there there was a failure of the phone settings. In this case you need to contact support of TELE2 service.
For Amigo users this option is not available.
Attention! Free SMS alerts are sent at the letter’s delivery time, regardless of the time of day.
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