Terms of service inbox.eu

Welcome to Inbox.eu!

   LLC INBOKSS, reg.no. LV40003560720, hereinafter referred to as «Inbox.eu», provides you its service, hereinafter referred to as the “Service,” subject to the following Terms of Service, hereinafter referred to as “TOS,” which may be updated by us from time to time without notice to you:

1.Terms and definitions
Address - The e-mail address of the User Domain.
Mail system - a system that creates an access to mailbox, and handle User Domain e-mail Addresses.
User Account - entry in the Post system, which stores information (including username and password) needed to access the Address.
Inbox.eu - a service, that provides e-mail functionality, and gives users the ability to send, receive messages, store, maintain an address book, etc.
User Domain - a domain name registered by User or made available to the User for other reasons.
Active Domain User - Domain user with successfully confirmed domain validation.
Inactive Domain User – Domain user without confirmed domain validation.

2.Acceptance of terms
In consideration of your use of the Service, you agree to:
2.1. The contract is concluded electronically and is not saved.
2.2. You understand and agree that the Service is provided “AS IS” and that «Inbox.eu» assumes no responsibility for the timeliness, deletion, miss-delivery or failure to store any user data, communications or personalization settings.
2.3. You are responsible for obtaining access to the Service and that access may involve third party fees (such as Internet service provider or airtime charges). You are responsible for those fees.
2.4. You are responsible for any data provided to use the Service, in accordance with the laws and regulations.
2.5. «Inbox.eu» offers a fully functional version of the Inbox.eu web interface at address http://inbox.eu.
2.6. At these conditions, «Inbox.eu» offer you the opportunity to work with the Addresses using the Inbox.eu functional.
2.7. You yourself manage the Addresses in User account, including creation, deletion, correction at its discretion under the Inbox.eu system technical possibilities and the rules of the Inbox.eu system.
2.8. «Inbox.eu» reserves the right to impose restrictions on the use of the Service, and can change them at its discretion without prior notice.
2.9. Terms of service about inbox.eu user's domain automatic deactivation:
2.9.1. Inbox.eu service validity period is unlimited to active (validated) domain user with a registered domain account.
2.9.2. Inbox.eu service validity period to inactive (not validated) domain user (including domain registration date) is 270 days from day when account status change from "active" to "inactive". After these 270 days all domain account content and information about domain user will be permanently deleted from inbox.eu mail system.
2.9.3. If user's domain violate terms of inbox.eu service, administration has rights to block this domain and after 30 days (from blocking moment) any domain account information and its content will be permanently deleted from inbox.eu mail system.
2.9.4. If inbox.eu domain account user block his domain, then after 90 days (from blocking moment) any domain account information and its content will be permanently deleted from inbox.eu mail system.

2.10. Deleting emails
2.10.1 Inbox automatically deletes messages(permanently), located in the Trash folder 30 days after messages are moved or delivered to these folders. Automatic deletion is enabled by default for all users of the free Inbox PREMIUM service.
2.10.2. Deleted messages from the "Trash" folder can be recovered by users of the free and paid Inbox PREMIUM service only within 7 days after they were deleted from the "Trash" folder. After 7 days have expired, it is not possible to recover deleted messages from the mailbox.
2.10.3. Restoring emails deleted by a user from the Trash folder is not possible if the emails were deleted more than 7 days ago.
2.10.4. Users of the free Inbox PREMIUM service can disable automatic deletion of emails from the Trash folder by activating the paid Inbox PREMIUM service. More details in point 3.
2.10.5. For users of the paid service Inbox PREMIUM, messages in the Trash folder are not automatically deleted.
2.11. Deleting an alias
2.11.1 An alias with the status “deleted” will be completely deleted from the system 30 days after deletion was made by the user.
2.11.2. Immediately after the alias is completely removed from the system, this alias name will be available for new registration by any user.
2.11.3. Within 30 days after the user deletes an alias, the user can change the alias status from “deleted” to “active”, thereby canceling the deletion of the alias.

3.Your registration obligations
When applying for User Domain to be connected to Service, or any other Service functions, you agree that:
3.1. You have expressed your unconditional agreement to these terms and obligation to follow them or you will stop using the Inbox.eu and disconnect the User Domain from Inbox.eu.
3.2. You legally own User Domain, as well as trademark and other design elements, as permitted under the Inbox.eu functionality.
3.3. You are providing true, accurate, valid and complete information about you as required by the Service's registration form (such information being the "Registration Data").
3.4. You will keep up to date and immediately correct the Registration Data to keep it true, accurate, current and complete.
3.5. If you provide any information that is not true, accurate, valid or complete, «Inbox.eu» have the right to temporarily or permanently close your account and refuse any current or possible future use of Inbox.eu.
3.6. Using the Inbox.eu, you give «Inbox.eu» the right to use the logos, trademarks and / or commercial site name and / or website information, for marketing and advertising purposes connected with «Inbox.eu», without the need to obtain your consent and without paying you any compensation for such use.
3.7. «Inbox.eu» at its discretion, has the right to deny access to Inbox.eu without explanation. The user undertakes not to use any automatic program or device to check the Inbox.eu and / or to connect the User Domain to Inbox.eu.
3.8. All matters relating to domain name registration, availability, acquisition, restoration, maintenance and other support will not be addressed to «Inbox.eu» and «Inbox.eu» is not responsible for these issues.
3.9. «Inbox.eu» does not guarantee Inbox.eu compliance with the objectives and expectations of Users, united and unmistakable Inbox.eu activity in general and, in particular, the individual elements. «Inbox.eu» is not responsible for and does not cover any damage, direct or indirect, caused to the Inbox.eu User or third parties arising from the use or inability to use the Inbox.eu.
3.10. «Inbox.eu» cannot and will not be responsible for any losses or expenses incurred as a result of you using the Service.
3.11. All claims arising from the use / inability to use the Inbox.eu must be submitted via the feedback form http://www.inbox.eu/support/.
3.12. «Inbox.eu» have the rights at any time without prior notice change the text in the Inbox.eu Service terms of use. Actual Inbox.eu terms of use are located at address: help.inbox.eu/?keyword=tou_inbox.eu Changes come into force from the date on which they are located at the address indicated, unless it is stated separately. By continuing to use the Inbox.eu after the changes come into force, you agree to the new Inbox.eu terms of use.

4.Privacy policy
This privacy policy covers «Inbox.eu» treatment of personally identifiable information that «Inbox.eu» collects when you are on the «Inbox.eu» site, and when you use «Inbox.eu» services. In consideration of your use of the Service, you agree to:
4.1. All the data provided by you will be used for data processing in «Inbox.eu» databases.
4.2. «Inbox.eu» collects personally identifiable information when you register in Inbox.eu system.
4.3. When you register for Inbox.eu, you are no longer unknown to us.
4.4. «Inbox.eu» automatically receives and records information from your browser on our servers including your IP address, cookie information and the page you requested.
4.5. «Inbox.eu» will not sell or rent your personally identifiable information.
4.6. «Inbox.eu»  can send personally identifiable information provided by you at registration to other companies or people when:
a) We have your consent to share the information;
b) We need to share your information to provide the product or service you have requested;
c) We respond to subpoenas, court orders or requests from official bodies according to the procedure provided for by laws of the Republic of Latvia;
d) We find that your actions on our web sites violate the INBOX Terms of Services
4.7. «Inbox.eu» gives you the ability to edit your INBOX account information and preferences at any time.
4.8. Your Inbox.eu account information is password-protected for your privacy and security.
4.9. «Inbox.eu» may amend this privacy policy from time to time.
4.10. Your personal data will be processed in accordance with the "Personal Data Protection Law" requirements, and will be based on personal data processing systems of Latvian Republic Data State Inspectorate.

5.Dealings with advertisers

Your correspondence or business dealings with, or participation in promotions of, advertisers found on or through the Service, including payment and delivery of related goods or services, and any other terms, warranties or representations associated with such dealings, are solely between you and this advertiser. You agree that «Inbox.eu» shall not be responsible for loss or damage of any sort incurred as a result of any such dealings or as a result of presence of such advertisers on the Service.

6.Global nature of the Internet
6.1. The Service may provide, or third parties may provide, links to other World Wide Web sites and resources. Because «Inbox.eu» has no control over such sites and resources, you acknowledge and agree that «Inbox.eu» is not responsible for the availability of such external sites and resources, and does not endorse and is not responsible for any Content, advertising, products, or other materials from such sites and resources.
6.2. You further acknowledge and agree that «Inbox.eu» shall not be responsible, directly or indirectly, for any loss or damage caused or alleged to be caused in connection with the use of or reliance on any such Content, goods, or services available on or through any such a site or resource.

7.Your obligations when using the Service
7.1. You are responsible for security of your username and password, and may not send or disclose them to third parties. All activities carried out through your Inbox.eu username and password will be attributed to you.
7.2. You are responsible for third party access to the Inbox.eu options; including granting access to User account Addresses of your Domain.
7.3. You are responsible for any activities of third party for whom you have granted access rights to the Inbox.eu use. You are taking all responsibility for informing third party about the Terms of Use, as well as all the risks associated with non-informing them, as well as costs which are caused by this non-information.
7.4. All activities carried out in the Inbox.eu to Addresses connected to your Domain, will be regarded as yours, if you cannot prove otherwise.
7.5. You agree to immediately notify «Inbox.eu» of any unauthorized use of your password or any other breach of security, and ensure that you exit from your account at the end of each session.
7.6. You agree to not use the Service to:
7.6.1. Upload, post, email, transmit, or otherwise make available any content that is unlawful, harmful, threatening, abusive, harassing, tortious, defamatory, vulgar, obscene, libelous, invasive of another's privacy, hateful, or racially, ethnically, or otherwise objectionable;
7.6.2. Harm minors in any way;
7.6.3. Impersonate any person or entity, including, but not limited to, falsely state or otherwise misrepresent your affiliation with a person or entity;
7.6.4. Forge headers or otherwise manipulate identifiers in order to disguise the origin of any content transmitted through the Service;
7.6.5. Upload, post, email, transmit, or otherwise make available any content that you do not have a right to make available under any law or under contractual of fiduciary relationships (such as inside information, proprietary and confidential information learned or disclosed as part of employment relationships or under nondisclosure agreements);
7.6.6. Upload, post, email, transmit, or otherwise make available any content that infringes any patent, trademark, trade secret, copyright, or other property rights (“Rights”) of any party;
7.6.7. Upload, post, email, transmit, or otherwise make available any unsolicited or unauthorized advertising, promotional materials, “junk mail,” “spam,” “chain letters”), “pyramid schemes,” or any other form of solicitation, except in those areas (such as shopping rooms) that are designated for such purpose;
7.6.8. Upload, post, email, transmit, or otherwise make available any material that contains software viruses or any other computer code, files or programs designed to interrupt, destroy, or limit the functionality of any computer software, hardware, or telecommunication equipment;
7.6.9. Disrupt the normal flow of dialogue, cause a screen to “scroll” faster than other users of the Service are able to type, or otherwise act in a manner that negatively affects other users' ability to engage in real time exchanges;
7.6.10. Interfere with or disrupt the Service or servers or networks connected to the Service, or disobey any requirements, procedures, policies, or regulations of networks connected to the Service;
7.6.11. Intentionally or unintentionally violate any applicable laws of the Republic of Latvia or any international laws;
7.6.12. “Stalk” or otherwise harass another;
7.6.13. Collect or store personal data about other users;
7.6.14. You acknowledge and agree that «Inbox.eu» may preserve the Content and may also disclose the Content if required to do so by law or in the good faith belief that such preservation or disclose is reasonably necessary to:
a) comply with legal process;
b) enforce the TOS;
c) respond to claims that any Content violates the rights of third-parties;
d) protect the rights, property of «Inbox.eu», or personal safety of «Inbox.eu», its users, and the public.
7.6.15. You understand that the technical processing and transmission of the Service, including your Content, may involve:
a) transmissions over various networks;
b) changes to conform and adapt to technical requirements of connecting networks and devices.

8. Rules of use of Inbox.eupaid service
8.1. A “Premium” mailbox is a paid service of “Inbox.eu”, purchasing which You are eligible to use paid mailbox with advanced features for Your domain mail, depending on Your choice and according to the offer.
8.2. Paid services are available to all those Inbox.eu domain mail users, who have successfully passed validation and paid for the service.
8.3. To purchase the paid service You must complete an application form for this service, which must include all the data necessary to process Your order and confirm the acceptance of the rules of use. Paid service is available for a certain period, and a certain fixed fee is applied to the selected period.
8.4. You can use any of the available payment methods offered at the time of ordering the paid service.
8.5. Service activation is completed automatically, after successfully receiving Your payment.
8.6. Before the end of the paid service period You will receive a reminder, which will indicate the terms of renewal or cancellation of the paid service.
8.7. If the payment was not made on time, after the expiration of the paid period the mailbox (for which the service was purchased) is disabled completely. Reactivation of the locked mailbox is possible only after the required payment is completed in full amount.
8.8. Usage of the service is provided for a certain period, which cannot be divided into parts. This paid service is also not divisible.
8.9. You agree that the paid service is activated at the time of payment and is disabled only at the end of the payment.
8.10. The Agreement signed in the electronic format and not stored. You agree that the paid service will be activated on received payment and will be active till purchased period. You are notified that withdrawal (the money return) after received payment for purchased and activated service (Cabinet of Ministers of LR nr.255 (prot.Nr.29 5.§) from 20.05.2014. P.22.1 and 22.13) will be impossible.
8.11. You understand and agree that in case You do not wish to prolong the use of the service for the next term, You are responsible for moving the contents of a mailbox to another location or its removal.
8.12. Agreement for the paid service purchase is concluded electronically and is not saved.
8.13. "Inbox.eu" has the right to unilaterally change the price for the paid service, notifying User of new prices not less than 30 calendar days before the effective date of these changes. Notification will be posted on www.inbox.eu page.

9. Permission to Use Your Content
9.1. Some INBOX services are intended for you to upload, post, store, send, use, or share your content. You are not obligated to provide content for our offered services, and you are free to choose the content you wish to provide.
9.2. Your Content remains yours, meaning you retain all intellectual property rights related to your Content.
9.3 If third-party personal data is stored on the INBOX platform, you are the data controller, and INBOX as the data repository is the processor, storing data in accordance with applicable Latvian legislation and GDPR requirements.
9.4. You grant INBOX the following rights to your content:
9.4.1 to store, share, and edit your content (contacts, files, or photos) to preserve your content in our systems and make it accessible from anywhere in the world.
9.4.2 access to INBOX services for your content to create and send letters (e.g., access to contacts, files, or photos).
9.4.3 to publish, publicly perform, or publicly display your content if you have made it visible to others.
9.5. If you remove any content from INBOX services covered by this section, INBOX systems will cease publication of this content or cease using it within a reasonable time frame.
9.6 If you decline the service, all your data and content will be deleted in accordance with the procedure described in section 6 of this agreement.

10. Additional features of “Inbox.eu” service
10.1. “Files” section is additional and integral part of “Inbox.eu” service, which gives you the disk space to upload and store files, create folders with files with  noctidial access to them using personal computers and mobile devices with access to the Internet.
10.2. Entrance to the section "Files" is only after login at Inbox.eu webpage.
10.3. Using the section "Files" You are responsible for all activities that occur using disk space under all Addresses.

11. Procedure for handling applications and proposals

User has the right to contact SIA “INBOKSS” with submissions, proposals or complaints concerning the services provided, or their shortcomings, and to receive a substantive reply.

Submissions, proposal or complaint may be made:

Use e-mail: support@inbox.lv or by mail by letter to us at SIA "INBOKSS" Req. Nr 40003560720, 15 – 2 floor Matrozu street, Riga, LV-1048, LATVIA

The complaint will be dealt with within 15 working days from the day of the complaint, with the reply sent to the address of the communication indicated in the complaint.

If a complaint is found to be unreasonable and you do not consent to the recognition of the complaint as unfounded, you have the right to use the alternative dispute resolution options specified in regulatory enactments by submitting a written application for a service to Extrajudicial Resolution of the dispute by indicating:

  • Name, contact information;
  • The filing date;
  • The nature of the dispute, the claims and the reasons for them.

Online Dispute Resolution:

Information about Extrajudicial Dispute resolution options and Extrajudicial For dispute-settlers:

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