How to send the message with multiple addresses?


In order to send a message to multiple recipients, You can use the following options:

  1. You can specify multiple recipients in the "To:" field, separated by commas.
  2. You can send a copy of the letter also to other recipients, using buttons "CC" and "BCC". By pushing these buttons, You open new fieldsto enter the additional adresses.
  • You can send one letter to 50 recipients at once (summ of adresses in fields "To", "Cc" and "Bcc"). It is because there is a restriction for sent letters in a day - 250 recipients per day. But in this case next letter You can send only after 24 hours.
  • PREMIUM users do not have such restriction. Only PREMIUM users has over limit = 250 recopients in one message and no limit for count of messages daily.


Depending on whether You want the main recipient to see who will receive the same letter, You can assign the recipients in the fields, "Cc:" and "BCC":

  • Specifying the main recipient in the field "To:", the following destinations can be added in the "Cc:";
    Recipients in the "Cc:" will be seen for others, who receive this letter.
  • Specifying the main adress in the field "To:", the following destinations can be added in the "BCC:";
    Recipients in the "BCC:" will not be seen by the other recipients when receiving a message. And as the recipient mentioned in the "BCC:" receive a letter, but will not see himself in the list of recipients.
  • Specifying one or more recipients in the field "To:", and adding the following adresses in the "Cc:" and "BCC".

       3. One letter at the same time can also be sent to all recipients of group


All the ways of sending messages to multiple recipients, can be combined with each other.
The adresses of recipients can be typed in or selected from the address book. Read more - here.

In the folder "Sent" an e-mail sent to multiple recipients, will be displayed as one message, but will affect the limit of sent messages directly depending on the total number of recipients in the letter.

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